Nick Loven, Chris Roberts and Pauline Loven with the ‘Special Contributions to Museums’ award from Heritage Lincolnshire and Renaissance East Midlands. The award was given jointly to WAG Screen and Orchard House Wardrobe for the films, costumes and artefacts made for East Midlands museums.
Thursday, 22 July 2010
Luttrell Psalter Film exhibition
Until 14th September 2010
The Intriguing world of the Luttrell Psalter
The Luttrell Psalter is a fourteenth century manuscript commissioned by Sir Geoffrey Luttrell, a Lincolnshire landowner and is full of beautifully illuminated images that reveal a wealth of detail about everyday life in medieval Lincolnshire.
Using the Luttrell Psalter film, real and replica medieval artefacts, a ‘turning the page’ kiosk and a facsimile of the document from the British Library, this exhibition explores some of the images from the Luttrell Psalter to discover what the vibrant pictures can tell us about everyday life and the people who lived and worked in medieval Lincolnshire.
Supported by the British Library and WAG Screen and The Collection, Art and Archaeology in Lincolnshire
Admission FREE
St Katherine’s – 900 years of history
Heritage and Cultural Centre, South Park Roundabout', St Katherines, Lincoln LN5 8LN
Open Tuesday – Saturday 10.00 – 4.00pm
Telephone 01522 572778
Thursday, 8 July 2010
Luttrell Psalter Film
WAG Screen plans to upload the Luttrell Psalter film to Facebook (in HD) when the number of fans on Luttrell Psalter Facebook fan page reaches 1,000! So if you want to see the film - spread the word!
You can see a review of the film from Michael Stocking (the chap behind the 'Turning the Pages' software from the British Library) at his Turning the Pages - A blog about where emerging technologies meet access and interpretation for libraries and museums: The Luttrell Psalter Film
Thank you for your support!
PS Please do keep buying the DVD as well though (it includes other material such as an interview with Michelle Brown), as all proceeds go towards making a second Luttrell Psalter Film based in the images of Sir Geoffrey, his household and the aristocratic lifestyle: WAG Screen
PPS In the mean time for those in the UK, here is the Time Team episode featuring our plough, our ploughman Neil Parker and Michelle Brown talking about the Luttrell Psalter: TIME TEAM Series 16, episode 2
Monday, 5 July 2010
Filming Victorian dancers waltzing

As part of the film we are making for Gainsborough Old Hall, we have just filmed dancers waltzing on the Victorian dance floor. None of our cast had danced the waltz before and some had never danced before at all, but thanks to Martha Milne's brilliant coaching they were all fantastic. Martha is better known as an amazingly talented quilter and you can find out more about the Victorian waltz scene and Martha's quilting on her blog: Machine Quilter