WAG Screen is a community group and comprises individuals with interests in film, photography, the web, history and archaeology. Many of us are professionals or have specialists skills and many just want to learn something new. We are all Lincolnshire based (and most in and around Lincoln itself).
The Lady of Shalott DVD is available now in both PAL and NTSC formats. You can purchase it from the WAG Screen web site http://www.wagscreen.co.uk
We will soon have postcards and posters and if there are any special requests we may be able to respond to them too - just let us know.
Apart from being a beautiful and evocative short film in its own right, this is also a great resource for schools. The DVD has two versions; the reading by Tennyson to a Victorian audience allowing you to concentrate on the words and the dramatisation which brings the world of the poem to life.
‘When I was young it took me some time to appreciate this poem, and my dyslexia didn’t help. This DVD would have helped me by illustrating an already great poem.
I’m sure Tennyson himself would be proud.
The Premiere was attended by over 250 people and there could have been many more if I hadn’t handled the invitations so cautiously (I was worried that too many would arrive after our last Premiere when about 500 people turned up – twice the number predicted!). Many of the cast came in costume including Victoria Rigby who played the Lady of Shalott and Ben Poole who played Tennyson. The audience were fabulous – crying, cheering and whistling as appropriate throughout the showing. The Odeon management were wonderful and made it a very enjoyable occasion. Afterwards, Gordon Hutchison, the Odeon manager, said: ‘Oh my goodness! Picture perfect! I was extremely impressed by the end result & the excitement it generated for the cast, crew & the audience. Simply to say ... I wish "Wag Screen" all the best for the future!’